Information & Fees
Paul Hobbs is available to give slideshows and talks about his artwork, its themes and his methods of working. He is also happy to lead discussions on the social and spiritual issues raised by the work.
He leads workshops in schools, conference centres and churches. These are planned to suit a group's interests, and usually involve a practical exploration of materials and themes used in his own work.
Paul is leading an Art Retreat Workshop on the theme of 'Brokenness & Beauty' from 3-6 October 2024. For full details look up and scroll to the bottom.
Exhibitions of his work can be mounted for a week or more, during which time the artist is available to curate the show, to give talks, to lead seminars, and to discuss the work with visitors. In schools, this involves leading assemblies, and taking classes on discussion tours around the show. In churches, this often includes speaking at a variety of invitation events. See Exhibitions Menu for pictures of school and church shows.
Talks, workshops and exhibitions are organised around the needs of the group and planned so as to make the best use of the skills Paul can offer.
General Events Flyer
This printable download gives a brief overview of the artist's work, and his approach and prices for talks, workshops and exhibitions.
Exploring Faith through Art PDF
Holy Ground & Unknown Martyrs Shows
Both the Holy Ground project and Unknown Martyrs series can be booked separately or shown as part of a larger mixed exhibition. If booked on their own, specific prices and conditions apply.
For further information please download the relevant PDF.
Holy Ground PDF Prices from £350
Unknown Martyrs PDF Prices from £350
Fees (2025)
Talks & Seminars: £175
Workshops: £350 per day
20-30 piece Exhibitions:
Exhibitions (Unattended): £1400 for full show
Exhibitions (Attended + Seminars): £2625 for 7 day attended opening
Fees include planning meetings and preparation time, but do not include travel, material or accommodation costs.